Natural Anti-Aromatase Support Supplement
The majority of breast malignancies are hormone responsive, and adjuvant endocrine therapy is used routinely to prevent breast cancer recurrence and death 6, 7. Aromatase inhibitors play a crucial role in the treatment of breast cancer. These medications are highly effective in blocking the production of estrogen, a hormone that can fuel the growth of certain types of breast cancer.
Natural Aromatase Inhibitor Health Benefits:
While research findings are mixed, there is some evidence that testosterone therapy may decrease estrogen levels in males. One 2018 study found that estrogen levels decreased in transgender people who received testosterone therapy. In the absence of estrogen, tumors dependent on this hormone for growth will shrink. Both SERMs and Aromatase Inhibitors can be effective in treating gynecomastia by addressing the hormonal imbalances that contribute to the condition. The choice of treatment should Steroids be guided by the underlying cause of gynecomastia, your overall health, and the potential side effects of the medications.
- Most Oncologists do not want to talk about this or act as if the SE are not a big deal.
- Recent practice recommendations deem low-dose vaginal estrogen as safe to use (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2018; Melisko et al., 2017).
- This is particularly important in contexts such as hormone-sensitive cancers, where elevated estrogen levels can promote tumor growth.
Feeling Young Again: Slow Down Aging With Hormones
However, if you think you’re having a medical emergency, you should call 911 or your local emergency number. Mild side effects of many drugs may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. But if they become bothersome, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.
Aromatase inhibitors are typically prescribed after surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy to help prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. They are also used as adjuvant therapy in combination with other treatments to improve outcomes. Before you start taking Aromasin, your doctor will check the level of vitamin D in your blood. If your level is low, they may recommend that you take a vitamin D supplement. Your doctor may also suggest other medications to prevent bone loss. Your doctor may prescribe Aromasin with other medications for breast cancer.
Finally, the mechanisms of action involved have been implicated, and, although they are intriguing, they are not yet clear. Designing clinical studies for this type of research poses interesting and unusual challenges. Wine has been a part of civilization for millennia in most parts of the world and plays a dietary, social, and even religious role in many cultures 12. The medical study of wine is complicated by the many varieties and enological techniques, soils, grape varieties, and other factors that account for so many distinctive vintages. It is scientifically difficult to talk about wine or even red wine globally because specific types, vintages, or grape varieties offer different health benefits. Several estrogen blocker medications used to treat the imbalance of testosterone to estrogen were initially developed for use in treating female breast cancer.
The Alpha Hormones online TRT clinic makes diagnosing and treating low testosterone accessible to anyone, and we can help you unlock the benefits of TRT. We issue a lab requisition to have your blood tested for hormone levels. Our physician will review these results with you and create a customized treatment plan if hormone replacement is warranted.